Sea Floor Explorer Mystery Theme Set
Sea Floor Explorer Mystery Theme Set
8 Items: 2 Big, 1 Medium, 5 Small
6 Artists/Brands Represented
Color Scheme: Teal/Aqua/Cream
You counted to three slowly…calming your mind and reminding yourself to take nice, slow breaths, but only out of your mouth because you were below the surface, diving for specimens for your next research paper. As you moved past a cluster of Brain Coral, you were reminded of the countless nights of studying from the past years of school. You were almost done with your studies; being a Marine Biologist was always your dream, and now you were almost there. Your favorite was always the fossilized coral scattered on the ocean floor amongst the shells and twisting seaweed. Grabbing a sample, you retreated to the surface where you were giddy to start writing notes in your trusty journal; you couldn’t risk leaving out any details of your latest discovery!
By Of Aspen