Green Glyphs – Runes Deck
Set of 33 cards with prismatic gold gilded edges in a custom orange box with a 65-page guidebook and 4 runic dice that can be used in tandem with the cards or on their own.
This deck is a take on the Elder Futhark Runes, an early Nordic system of divination that has been around for millennia. Typically, runes are found in the form of stones, dice, talismans, or other objects with carvings. Each card has a runic symbol, the traditional name, and an image that encompasses the meaning behind the symbol. The included dice provide an alternate way to draw runes in a reading.
7″ x 4″ x 1.5″
33 Cards
Includes 65-Page Guidebook & 4 Runic Dice
By Prisma Visions