An Orphan’s Sorrow
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Perhaps the least known victims of the persecution in China are children such as this little girl who holds what remains of her parents — their ashes. Her father’s jacket cloaks her small frame and is likely her only protection against the coming winter. Inspired by documented events, the painting draws out what is pure in the child’s tormented gaze, and with the dark tones that engulf her, the collective suffering of many her age. Untold numbers of children have seen their parents taken away merely because of their beliefs. The parents of thousands of such children are known to have been murdered by the regime. Many children thus orphaned face the further burden of institutionalized discrimination; for their own or their parent’s practice of Falun Gong, children are often chastised by teachers or classmates and even, in some cases, even barred altogether from schooling. The writing on the wall at the left identifies the forced labor camp, where her parents were likely killed.