Alice’s Tea Party Mystery Novel Set
Alice’s Tea Party Mystery Novel Set
10 Items: 2 Big, 4 Medium, 4 Small
10 Artists/Brands Represented
Color Scheme: Blush/Baby Blue/Navy/Muted Pastels
You danced in your seat as you ate the last tart of the morning, sipping tea and jotting down your thoughts. It would be one of those days where you believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast! It was an extra special day, of course, ’twas your very merry unbirthday! The flowers swayed overhead, mumbling gossip to each other as your kettle squealed out in delight with news of a fresh pot of water to replenish your cup. Your friends were about to arrive for your weekly croquet game out in the garden. The White Rabbit wouldn’t let anyone be late; it was almost time for the festivities to begin!
By Of Aspen